Monographies Instrumentum /59 ANCIENT LAMPS FROM BALKANS AND BEYOND Acts of the 4th International Lychnological Congress («Ex Oriente Lux», Ptuj, 15th-19th of May, 2012) In memory of Jean Bussière LAURENT CHRZANOVSKI, ALEKSANDRA NESTOROVIĆ, VERENA VIDRIH PERKO Sous la direction de Luc BARAY eemm éditions mergoil ANCIENT LAMPS FROM BALKANS AND BEYOND Acts of the 4th International Lychnological Congress («Ex Oriente Lux», Ptuj, 15th-19th of May, 2012) In memory of Jean Bussière Monographies Instrumentum  Collection dirigée par Michel Feugère ANCIENT LAMPS FROM BALKANS AND BEYOND Acts of the 4th International Lychnological Congress («Ex Oriente Lux», Ptuj, 15th-19th of May, 2012) In memory of Jean Bussière LA RENT C R ANO SKI, ALEKSANDRA NESTORO I , ERENA IDRI Editions Mergoil Drémil Lafage 2019 PERKO Tous droits réservés © 2019 Diffusion, vente par correspondance Editions Mergoil 13 rue des Peupliers F - 31280 Drémil Lafage Tél : 0345440444 e-mail : ISBN : 978-2-35518-090-3 ISSN : 1278 - 6371 Aucune partie de cet ouvrage ne peut être reproduite sous quelque forme que ce soit (photocopie, scanner ou diffusion internet) sans l’autorisation expresse des Editions Mergoil. Textes réunis par : Laurent Chrzanovski, Aleksandra Nestorović, Verena Vidrih Perko Saisie, illustrations : S iss ebacademy, Sibiu Marius Amza Mise en pages : idem Couverture : Mise en page Editions Mergoil Photos : Auteurs Imprimeur : Aquiprint Dépôt légal Février 2019 Birgitta Lindros Wohl Jean Bussière, In Loving Memory................................................................................ 05 Verena Perko, Aleksandra Nestorović Ex Oriente lux! The 4th International Congress of the International Lychnological Association (ILA), Ptuj, 15. – 19. 5. 2012................................................................. 09 Laurent Chrzanovski “EX ORIENTE LUX”: a benchmark for the International Lychnological Association..................................... 13 Angelo Bartoli, Rina Corzani Le lucerne. Analisi e sperimentazione.......................................................................... 17 Doina Benea Spätrömische Lampen aus Dakien Im 3.-4 Jahrhundert.............................................. 27 Julie Bonnéric The Symbol of Light in Classical Mosques.................................................................. 41 Valentina Caminneci Et ornaverunt lampades suas. Tipologia delle lucerne nell’iconografia delle virgines prudentes................................. 49 Francesca Ceci La fiamma ardente. La rappresentazione di luci, faci e fuochi sulle monete romane................................... 59 Paolo Cimadomo Lighting system in Roman Syria and Mesopotamia.................................................... 67 Marianna Colusso, Giulia Cesarin Le lucerne vitree dei Fondi ex Cossar: dal dato materiale alla problematica metodologica...................................................... 75 Radovan Cunja Late Antique Oil Lamps from Kapucinski vrt in Koper (Slovenia).............................. 85 Christiane De Micheli Schulthess Illuminazione in Epoca Romana nel Canton Ticino (Svizzera).................................... 95 Anna Depalmas Lucerne di ceramica e di bronzo della Sardegna nuragica............................................ 103 Saša Djura Jelenko Mayor’s Lamp from Colatio........................................................................................ 117 /1/ Diana Dobreva Imitazioni di Lucerne Africane: alcune osservazioni sul caso Aquileiese....................... 125 Exhlale Dobruna-Salihu Bronze Lamps of Roman Time in Dardania. .............................................................. 139 Ivo Fadić, Anamarija Eterović Borzić Late antique lamps from the Croatian coastal Region. ............................................... 147 Custode Silvio Fioriello Note sulle lucerne fittili di età imperiale nella Apulia.................................................. 155 Vito Giannico Lucerne tardoantiche di produzione orientale rinvenute a Egnatia.............................. 165 Cristina Giovagnetti Dal delta del Nilo al Monte Titano: un‘inedita collezione di lucerne egizie nel Museo di Stato di San Marino..................................... 175 Elisa Maria Grassi Light from all around. Trades and cultural influences in ancient lamps from Malta........................................ 191 Ana-Cristina Hamat Clay lamps from south- west of Roman Dacia. Local production centers.................. 201 Kristina Jelinčić Vučković Lucerne romane trovate a Ilok (Pannonia Inferior)..................................................... 221 Mladen Jovičić, Ljubomir Jevtović Contribution to the study of cult of Bacchus on Viminacium: terracotta lamps with relief depictions of Bacchus mask, thyrsus and syrinx................ 233 Lambrini Koutoussaki Lampes choisies de la collection archéologique de l’Université de Zürich (Suisse)....... 243 Bine Kramberger The oldest lamp of Slovenia. Oval-shaped ceramic find from the Settlement Zgornje Radvanje (last third of the 5th millennium BC)......................... 253 Aleksandra Krauze-Kołodziej Light and Luminosity in Early Medieval Mosaics on the Example of the Representation of the Last Judgement on the West Wall of Torcello’s Basilica............ 265 Slavica Krunić Earliest lamps produced in Italy discovered in Singidunum........................................ 275 /2/ Vinka Matijević Findings of Late Antique Oil-lamps between Krka and Cetina Rivers......................... 289 Maria Elisa Micheli, Anna Santucci Veri e falsi nella collezione di lucerne di Giovan Battista Passeri (1694-1780)............. 297 Neda MirkoviŖ-MariŖ Contribution to the study of Roman lamps from the Upper Moesian limes................ 307 Dorina Moullou, Lambros T. Doulos, Frangiskos V. Topalis Lux in vitro: Artificial lighting conditions in houses of antiquity................................. 319 George Nuţu, Lucrețiu Mihăilescu Bîrliba Lighting devices from Ancient (L)Ibida and territory.................................................. 329 Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Ana Konestra Rassegna topografica e cronologica delle lucerne fittili romane dalla regione del Quarnero (Croazia)..................................................... 339 Daniela Palmisano Tipi iconografici su lucerne tardoantiche da Egnatia................................................... 353 Elisa Panero Lucerne come simbolo di luce nelle presenze cultuali della Cisalpina occidentale. Il caso del Piemonte............................................ 361 Elisa Panero, Ilaria Frontori Le lucerne delle Terme Milano di Gortina (Creta)...................................................... 371 Elisa Panero, Chiarastella Spadaro Lamps from the city centre: trade and productions in ancient Nora (Cagliari, Italy)............................................... 379 Jean-Louis Podvin Le luminaire de l’Iseum de Pompei............................................................................. 387 Andrej Preložnik, Aleksandra Nestorović Figural oil-lamps with embracing couple: Origin and meaning................................................................................................... 397 Alejandro Quevedo, Victoria García-Aboal Riflessioni su un insieme di lucerne bollate da Carthago Nova (II-III sec. d.C.).......... 405 Mateja Ravnik, Mojca Jančar, Iva Ciglar Medieval illuminants from the Upper Maribor castle, Slovenia. Brief summary of preliminary results........................................................................... 415 /3/ Riflessioni su un insieme di lucerne bollate da Carthago Nova (II-III sec. d.C.) Abstract The city of Carthago Nova, referential harbour in the southeast of Hispania, fell into a significant recession between the II and III centuries AD. Both epigraphic and historical sources barely provide any information. Our purpose is studying in depth the commercial dynammics of the city at this period as well as stablishing the cronology of the many abandonments of public and private buildings through the analysis of a group of oil lamps which was found during excavation of a domus. It is kwon as Casa de la Fortuna (House of Fortune), where this kind of furnishing appeared abundantly. The study of the fragments with named-stamps gives new data about clay lamps and makes it possible to reflect about some questions related to their origin or their easy imitation. Contributo realizzato nell’ambito dei progetti: “De municipia latina a oppida labentia: sobre la sostenibilidad económica e institucional del municipio de derecho latino en la Hispania romana (siglos II y III d.C.)”, HAR20167485-P; “Pictores et officinae per provincias. La circulación de modelos pictóricos urbanos y rurales por el sur de la Tarraconense y de la Lusitania desde una perspectiva integral”, HAR2016-74847-P e “Exemplum et spolia. El legado monumental de las capitales provinviales romanas de Hispania. Perduración, reutilización y transformación en Carthago Nova, Valentia y Lucentum HAR2015-64386-C4-2-P entrambi finanziati dal Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad spagnolo. Questo contributo ha beneficiato del sostegno de la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, e dei gruppi di ricerca della Universidad de Murcia: iArqUM e Arqueología Histórica y Patrimonio del Mediterráneo Occidental. Vada il nostro più caro ringraziamiento agli amici Luca De Fassi e Serena Autiero per la supervisione dell’italiano. BIBLIOGRAFIA ABASCAL, J. M., R. CEBRIÁN 2008, Marcas de alfarero en lucernas romanas descubiertas en Segóbriga. - Verdolay 11, 179-224. ANSELMINO, L., C. PAVOLINI 1981, Lucerne in ceramica comune dell’Africa romana (I-IV seccolo d.C.). - In: A. Carandini (ed.), Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica Classica e Orientale. Atlante delle forme ceramiche I. Ceramica fine romana nel bacino mediterraneo (Medio e tardo Impero), 186-207, Rome. BAILEY, D. M. 1988, A catalogue of the Lamps in the Bristish Museum, III, Roman Provincial Lamps (British Museum Publications). - London. BAILLY, R. 1962, Essai de classification des marques de potier sur lampes en argile dans la Narbonnaise. - Cahiers Ligures de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie 11, 79-127. BALIL, A. 1968-1969, Marcas de ceramista en lucernas romanas halladas en España. - Archivo Español de Arqueología 41, 158-178. BONIFAY, M. 2004, Études sur la céramique romaine tardive d’Afrique (BAR International Series 1301). - Oxford. BONIFAY, M. 2005, Observations sur la typologie des lampes africaines (IIe – VIIe siècle). - In: L. Chrzanovski (ed.), Lychnological Acts 1, Actes du 1er Congrès international d’études sur le luminaire antique, Monographies instrumentum 31, 31- 38, pl. 12 –16, Montagnac. BUSSIÈRE, J. 2000, Lampes antiques d’Algérie (Monographies Instrumentum 16). - Montagnac. CASAS, I., GENOVER, J., V. SOLER I FUSTÉ 2006, Llànties romanes d’Empúries. Materials augustals i alto-imperials (Monografies empuritanes 13). - Girona. / 409 /